My iPod #298: Blink-182 – Down

Hi WordPress people, and the dedicated Blogger followers.

This is my new home now. Looks good so far.

For anyone new, how are you doing? I’m Jamie. This is my blog where I comment on the songs I have on…. my iPod. Been doing it for a year and a few months now as you can see, and I actually do plan on finishing it however long it takes.

Have fun reading the previous ones. Look forward to the ones that come too.

Here’s “Down”, a track from Blink-182’s self-titled album from 2003. It came on one time on MTV2 in the UK, and I thought “ooh, a new Blink-182 song”. That was probably in 2005 or something. I didn’t know the song existed before then. Sounds bad, I know. But when the video is never shown on the television, how could I?

I like “Down”. It’s really depressing though and a bit of a downer to listen to. There’s not much else I can say about it. It’s not my favourite Blink song, but it’s still decent.

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